Psion Manager Download Zipped File 3,8 Mbyte
Psion Manager Version 1.1 is a very useful tool for communicating with your Psion Workabout. It allows the user to connect the WorkAbout to the PC. Once connected users can download data, Upload data and also generally manage data on their WorkAbouts. The Software comes on 3 disks. The files have all been zipped into a single zip file. I suggest you make a folder on your PC called Psiwin Install. Download this zip file into the above folder. When you unzip the file select the option to Use folder names and make sure you select Psiwin Install as the folder to unzip to. Your file should then unzip into 3 folders called Disk1 Disk2 and Disk3. All will be sub folders off Psiwin Install
Follow the installation instructions detailed in the LOGGER manual.
PsiWin 2.3.3
Psiwin will run under Vista. It can be downloaded from the following link. The download is approximately 24.6Mbyte
Psion Organiser For those who still use the old Psion Organiser XP or LZ (2 or 4 line) there is another download that I believe works well with windows XP. Its called Psi2Win and can be used as an alternative to the old CL program. Have not tried it myself but do know of users who have used it and say it works well. Download

This picture was taken in Tanzania many years ago, just down the road from Mwadui (close to Shinyanga). Grinaker were the road contractors and the whole show came to a standstill for a few days because the locals found diamonds inthe road prism
You will need to book well in advance to make sure you get a seat in the DRC. Also no refreshments served between Fungurume and Likasi. I believe the road has since been tarred. This was taken in 2008
Tel +27-33-7021062
Cell 083-6765167
I have also written a new download routine as of August 2013, that should work across all platforms from XP through to Windows 10
You will need to UPGRADE your Logger to be able to use this new downloading routine. All versions from August 2013 onwards are compatible.
The installation file for the Logger Serial Download can be downloaded here. There is a built in Help File but it can also be downloaded as a PDF here.
You may well ask how can I upgrade if I cannot get Psion Manager to work with Windows 7 or 8 or 10. Well Tera Term is an alternative to Psion Manager. I have documented it fully.
The installation for Tera Term Version 4.99 can be downloaded from here.The file size is 13.3 Mbytes.
The Upgrade notes when using Tera Term can be downloaded here.