Mozambique 1979. Patiently waiting to give line while perched on the side of an anthill.
Some days we only managed 200m due to the thick bush. I had a cutting gang of about 15. Had plenty of time to think about how I would one day write LOGGER
In May 2010 Kevin Walsh and I did another smaller Road job in Liberia. We did a strip survey along the existing bad tarred road from the town of Cotton Tree to Buchanan Harbour. About 60 odd Kms. Humidity was extreme and rain heavy. This is the end of the job at Buchanan Harbour. Smo, my assistant did most of the work. Behind you can see some of the remains of 53 boats scuttled in the harbour
Job Parameters
Any Job that can be defined geometrically, by coordinates, strings or Tin/DTM model can be processed by LOGGER.
Options include :
ü Horizontal Alignments with equal or Unequal run in and runout Spirals.
ü Alignment Points to define any type of horizontal alignment. Each job can have up to 100 uniquely defined alignments, with no limit to the number of nodes in each. Enter once only.
ü Vertical Alignments
ü Varying crossfalls
ü Varying road widths
ü Kerb Line definitions
ü Shoulder widths and crossfalls. Cut or Fill dependant.
ü Drain definitions
ü Additional appendage definition as well.
ü Centerline Offsets
ü Design Offsets
ü Vertical Gradeline offsets
ü Batters slopes for cut and fill conditions. These can vary automatically depending on height and minimum toeline requirements
ü Tin or DTM models directly from Model Maker
ü Not restricted to one or two co-ordinate files. Swop between any jobs co-ordinate file at any time even while busy on a job.
ü Strings, Pipelines. Up to 200 at a time per job with up to 200 nodes per item. Uniquely named. On screen plotting of alignments as well.
ü Networks imported directly from Model Maker or Pipe Maker
ü Circles, Adjustable Radial Reference lines
ü Conventional adjustable grid Reference Lines
ü A single intelligent routine to fix your position, All fixes below catered for without you having to specify. Adjustment by least squares and weighted means.
Intersection, Eccentric, Resection, Free Position, Known Coordinates,Trig Heighting Polar Fixing.
Fieldwork can be logged for hardcopy records
ü LOGGER and the PSION WORKABOUT integrate to give surveyors a powerful handheld surveying processing tool The user-friendly interface, large resolution LCD screen and the Workabout’s 16-bit processor, makes LOGGER the ideal companion for any surveying project.
ü LOGGER can be used on virtually any construction project.
ü Mimimise tedious office calculations normally needed before any work can be done on site. Enter just the required design parameters or upload them from Model Maker, Road Maker or Pipe Maker and let LOGGER do the rest.
ü Reduce errors but limiting manual input and typing.
ü Increase productivity, shorten training and ultimately reduce costs.
ü LOGGER can be linked up to the most common Total Stations or Electronic Levels and Leica GPS for automatic data transfer or used manually.
ü Setups can be anywhere. A single function fixing routine automatically computes your fix in both YX and Z, applying least squares on the YX fix and weighted means for the Z. Take any observations in any order. No need to specify whether it’s a resection. eccentric or free point fix. LOGGER decides intelligently for you.
ü LOGGER works in a fully 3dimensional space frame. No need for conventional stakeline and offset methods anymore.
ü All results are computed real-time for any position in field for the surveyor.
ü Simple and easy Job Definition and setup.
ü Quick job file location options.
Setting Out
Setting out can be done with a Total Station, Tache, Level or GPS, etc. The surveyor is not bound by the old stakeline and offset method of surveying. Now Profiles, Batter boards, etc. can be set out at any position and offset required.
All setting out can be recorded for hardcopy printouts later.
What can be setout?
ü Road Widths and Crossfalls
ü Kerb Heights and Widths
ü Shoulder Widths and Crossfalls
ü Appendage Widths and Heights
ü Batter boards in Cut and Fill
ü Stake Value and Offset
ü Bulk Earthworks control points
ü Check Points
ü Any coordinate from any job file
ü Manually input Coordinates
ü Chainage and Offset To YXZ
ü YXZ To Chainage and offset , Offset And Design Level
ü Polar to Chainage, offset and design level
ü Polar to check asbuilts
ü Strings and Pipelines
ü Reference Lines, Building Grids
ü Circles
ü Polar Setout
Elevation Checks
ü Get immediate answers to the chainage, offset, design level, actual level, difference, etc at any position on your job.
ü All checks can be recorded for hardcopy records
ü Check Full Design
ü Check Surface Width
ü Check Kerbs
ü Check Shoulders
ü Check Layerworks
ü Check placed coordinates
ü Check DTM or Tin Model
ü Trig Heighting
ü Leveling Routines, manual or electronic mode
Data Logging
ü Log Tache
ü Use quick codes for point id and preset target heights.
ü Export Tache Surveys in various ASCII formats for reduction.
ü Log to ESKOM standards
ü Locate yourself relative to an alignment while doing tache.
ü Specify minimum distances between shots
ü Orient at any stage.
ü Take offset readings.
ü Scroll through field obs
ü Delete if need be.
ü Visual display of Tache Survey
Survey Calculations
ü Area Calculations
ü 3D Polars
ü 3D Joins with slope distances grades etc
ü Intersections
ü Conversions
ü Flexible feature filled coordinate editing and searching
Import / Export Options
ü Send all recorded data in ASCII format to the Computer
ü Erase entire Jobs or only selected data
ü Import/ Export Design and Coordinates from the Computer in ASCII format. (Space CSV or TAB)
ü Download detailed printouts of all road input in a single file for easy checking.
ü Import Model Maker alignment files. (PID)
ü Import Road Maker road design Files (PR3).
ü Import Dual Carriageway data from Road Maker
ü Import Pipeline networks from Pipe Maker and Model Maker
ü Import Model Maker DTM files (TOT)
ü Import Civil Designer .DES file

Sani Road
KwaZulu Natal
South Africa
Tel +27-33-7021062
Cell 083-6765167